Форум об Охотниках за привидениями

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Автор:  Pumpkin [ 12-03, 14:52 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

:) супер! описание событий 5! Ситуация 5! только 1 вопрос меня терь мучает, кто такая Саша? и от когда она стала охотником?
А так все супер даже я бы не смог лучше! ВСЕМ БРАТЬ ПРИМЕР!

Автор:  Куколка9110 [ 12-03, 18:46 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

Скажем так)) Эти события происходят после того как закончился показ серий)))

Тьфу- тьфу не сглазь)))

Автор:  Куколка9110 [ 12-05, 15:49 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

Это сообщение я удаляю!
В полном виде фик выложит Dashok)т.к. у самой проблемы с компом(

Автор:  Павел [ 16-05, 23:13 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

мне понрвилось, но очень уж маленький отрывок.

Автор:  Куколка9110 [ 16-05, 23:15 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

Будет больше)

Автор:  Dashok) [ 16-05, 23:27 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

выкладываю от имени Куколки9110 вот:
- Название: Трудное решение.
- Автор: Куколка 9110
- Бета: нет
- Категории (Жанры): Romance/ POV
- Персонажи и пейринги: Эдуардо Ривера, Кайли Гриффин, Гарретт Миллер, Роланд Джексон. Александра.
- Рейтинг: GR
- Предупреждения: Возможно ООС персонажей.
- Содержание (Описание): Милые бранятся, только тешатся
- Статус: закончено.
- От автора: Ну что же, читайте и оставляйте комментарии, буду рада критике.

Вечер. Сумерки лениво опускаются на город. Окраина. Ловушка с громким чваком затянула очередного призрака, теперь мирно покоилась на сырой земле. Вот очередное задание подошло к концу, пора возвращаться. Роланд бодро подхватил желтый диск и направился к машине, следом плелся Гарретт, его не устраивало, что в который раз на этой недели их заносит на явно не асфальтированную местность. Радом мерно шла Алекс, не смотря на то, что миновало уже пол года, она не отступала от него не на шаг. Далее Кайли и Эдуардо. Ребята быстро избавились от протонных пушек, что за прошедший день сильно натерли плечи. Когда Роланд повернул ключ зажигания, стало понятно, машина дальше ехать не собирается. Охотники расстроено покинули «железное корыто» за исключением Гарретта и его сторожа. Механик принялся ковыряться в уже остывшем двигателе. Кайли, удобно устроилась на пустой металлической бочке. Эдуардо тоже решился отдохнуть и направился к старому матрацу брошенному рядом. Но через мгновение парень отделился от остальных и направился к воде. Остановившись у самой ее кромке, прижался плечом к опоре моста рядом с которым был пойман призрак.
Никто не знал, но он очень устал от всего, что с ним сейчас происходит. Устал от людей, которые его окружали, они стали его все больше и больше раздражать.
Девушка тихо подкралась к другу и замерла, наблюдая за ним. Эдди с тоской рассматривал вечно не спящий город с его вечно спешащими, куда то жителями. Он хотел одиночества и спокойствия хотя бы ненадолго избавиться от этой так надоевшей суеты.
-Эдуардо,- тихо позвала девушка. Парень нахохлился, догадавшись, что она за ним наблюдает и злобно огрызся.
-Ты в порядке?
-Все хорошо. Да, что ты стоишь! Иди в машину, я скоро сам приду! – Его голос едва не сорвался на крик. Но Кайли не двинулась с места, продолжая стоять за его спиной. Прошло несколько минут, прежде чем девушка приблизилась к Эдуардо и мягко обняла за плече.
-Я вижу тебя что –то беспокоит, скажи. – Девушка говорила тихо и спокойно, словно убаюкивая друга.
-Ты не поймешь, - тяжело выдохнул парень и положил свою ладонь на ее запястье.
-А может, попробуешь?
-Я устал, - коротко ответил он. Девушка потянула его на себя.
-Я понимаю, сейчас не лучшие времена и все мы нуждаемся в отдыхе.
-Нет, это не то. Это совсем не то! – Он отвернулся и злобно поддел носком сапога грязный песок. – Я устал… от вас!
От услышанных слов, Кайли, отступила.
-Хорошо, можешь остаться один, - развернувшись, быстро направилась к машине. Эдди осталось только проводить ее расстроенным взглядом.
Тем временем Роланд пытался оживить двигатель машины, который в очередной раз отказывался работать. Гарретт и Алекс о чем то спорили, сидя в Экто -1, точнее было сказать, парень отчаянно доказывал свое бесстрашие по отношению к недавно пойманному монстру, а девушка совершенно спокойно и невозмутимо опровергала его доводы короткими «Нет». После очередного отрицания охотник взорвался и получил заслуженный подзатыльник, отчего надулся и сердито уставился в лобовое стекло, через которое была видена только крышка капота и изредка появлялся Роланд.
Парень оторвался о двигателя.
-А где Эдуардо?
-Он сам приедет, - холодно отозвалась девушка, садясь на переднее сидение.
-Нет, там определенно, что – то произошло! – Возбужденно шептал Гарретт на ухо Роланду и следя за тем как Кайли уже полчаса перекладывает книги с одной полки на другую.
-А если и так, то что?
Гарретт наморщил лоб, сосредоточенно пытаясь придумать решение проблемы, но девушка заметила тихое перешептывание друзей и решила раз и навсегда пресечь его.
-Вас не должно беспокоить, то, что там случилось. – Она продолжила перекладывать научную литературу Игона Спенглера.
Ребята переглянулись. В принципе Кайли не отличалась особой эмоциональностью и агрессивностью. Но сейчас было видно, она чем- то очень сильно раздражена и могла чего доброго запустить в кого ни будь увесистым томом. Решив, не тревожить девушку парни быстро исчезли из комнаты, но на их месте появился Эдуардо. Он молча сел на диван и включил телевизор, при этом как будто специально на спортивном канале и во всю громкость.
Кайли старается не обращать на это внимание, но злость на друга за такое предательство одерживает верх. Она быстро подходит к сидящему парню и, вырвав пульт, отключает орущий диким голосом, ящик.
-У тебя еще хватает смелости приходить сюда? – Она злобно обжигает его своим взглядом. – Зачем?
Парень равнодушно оглядывает девушку и протягивает руку, для того чтобы ему вернули пульт, но получает только удар по тыльной стороне ладони.
-И в чем я виноват? В том, что сказал правду?
-Ты это считаешь правдой? – Зарычала девушка и швырнула пульт на кресло.- Предатель, больше ничто!
-Я и не ожидал от вас и особенности от тебя теплых слов в мой адрес. А теперь если позволишь, я пойду. – Эдд начал подниматься, но его остановила звонкая пощечина, и он ошарашено рухнул на место. Парень никогда еще не видел девушку настолько разъяренной. Злость переполняла ее как изящную вазу вино, в глазах горел огонь ненависти и злости к человеку, который сидел перед ней. Но было в этом еще что – то, едва уловимое и легкое как сон перед рассветом. «А может…»
-Как ты можешь так поступать после всего что произошло, после того, что мы вместе пережили? Почему ты говоришь такие слова после всего нами сделанного? Неужели можно устать от людей, которые за тебя готовы отдать все? Скажи мне! – Кричала девушка, забыв, что ее могут услышать те, кому знать этого не следовало. Но злость и обида ослепили и совершенно лишили ума.
-Говори! Я хочу знать, на что ты нас решил променять!
А в голове парня начали появляться мысли о поспешности своих выводов касательно усталости и ухода из охотников. Он стал понимать, то почему девушка вышла из себя и похожее сердил ее не тот факт, что он уходит от друзей, а то, что Эдуардо бросал ЕЕ!
Неужели не мог этого понять? Я просто так и не сумел разобраться со своими чувствами. И то как дал свой номер той девушке было скорее от нерешительности по отношению к Кайли нежели от симпатии к юной ведьме. Трус! Больше никак. И на что я меняю близких мне людей? На спокойную и ленную обыденность. Глупо! Я не смогу жить без умных высказываний Роланда. Непонятных, но интересных объяснений Игоном простых вещей. Буду скучать по Жаннин. По ее удивительной способности помирить нас, когда мы сами, и не видим путей к миру. Гарретт, дурак. Но отличный дурак, который на задании всегда прикроет и развеселит глупыми, но такими искренними шутками. Лизун, это зеленый комок слизи всегда меня раздражал, но тот случай, когда он, рискуя собой, закрыл двери хранилища, заставил пересмотреть некоторые аспекты и более лояльно относиться к его шалостям. И…Кайли. А разве я смогу жить без нее? Навряд ли это будет отличаться от бренного существования. Да, до этого я не кого не мог полюбить кроме себя самого. Это эгоизм, знаю. Я жил только для себя и больше никого! Именно поэтому брат всегда считал меня безответственным лентяем и прожигателем жизни. И если бы мне сказали, что когда ни будь я с ним соглашусь, то я принял бы этого человека за с ума сошедшего. Но это так. Нет, я не уйду. Никогда. И мы будем вместе. Всегда!
-Уходи! Уходи если так хочешь! Здесь не месту предателям и трусам! – Кайли гневно сверлила его взглядом видя, что он совершено ее не слушает. – Тебе всегда было наплевать на других, ты думаешь только о себе!
Как же она права! Это действительно, правда! Но я многое понял и переосмыслил, пока общался с этими людьми. И пусть они далеки от идеалов, но они принимают меня таким, какой я есть и не требуют большего ведь единственное, что им нужно, это такое же понимание и капелька сострадания.
-Почему ты молчишь, когда я тебя спрашиваю или считаешь ниже своего достоинства общаться с такими как мы? Ответь мне!
Это я не имею права общаться с такими людьми как вы. Я этого просто не достоин! Как же теперь сказать тебе, что ты самое дорогое, что у меня есть? Как объяснить? Я сам вырыл себе эту яму и сам должен из нее выдираться.
-Я люблю тебя! – Сорвалось с губ парня. Услышав эти слова девушка замолкла и теперь испуганно смотрела на человека который сказал ей эти слова.
-Что ты сказал? – Ее голос начал дрожать, и она испуганно отступила, рассеянно опустившись на подлокотник кресла.
-Люблю! – Снова сорвалось с его губ.
-Нет! Я тебе не верю! Зачем обманываешь? – Девушка резко поднялась и попыталась убежать, но сильные руки легко обхватили ее за талию.
-Не верь, но это так, - шепнул Эдуардо.
Да, это так и пусть ты отрицаешь, но именно это ты хотела услышать на протяжении всего того времени, что мы были знакомы. Это и больше ничего.
- Отпусти,- дернулась Кайли, но похоже она совсем не хотела избавляться от этих объятий. В ответ парень мягко положил свободную руку чуть пониже шеи.
Они стояли, молча, наслаждаясь прикосновениями друг друга. Ловили каждое мгновение и старались запомнить каждую мелочь.
Они даже не подозревали, что в этот момент на пороге появился Гарретт, который был сильно удивлен представшей перед ним картиной. Но сильный рывок не позволил парню испортить идиллию так долго строившуюся и столько пережившую.
Тонкая ладонь зажала парню рот, и он сразу же понял кто это. Алекс улыбнулась, но только глазами и мотнула головой в сторону лифта.
Эдуардо нагнулся к щеке девушки и мягко коснулся ее губами.
-Мне нужна только ты и больше никто.
-Почему ты говоришь это только сейчас, когда сделал мне больно?
Прости, я не смог перебороть себя. Только когда, причинив тебе, боль я понял насколько дорога для меня ТЫ!
- Просто люблю. – Парень крепче прижал Кайли к себе. – И хочу всегда быть с тобой. Парочка настолько увлеклась собой и только сейчас заметила, что в комнате играет легкая романтическая музыка, а на журнальном столике стоит ваза с великолепными нежно – розовыми георгинами.
-Тут был Лизун, - улыбнулась девушка. – А мы его даже не заметили.
-Ты же знаешь, он как собака. Все понимает, но не говорит.- Ласково шепнул Эдуардо и плотно прижался к губам охотницы.
Все хорошо, мы вместе. Я был полным дураком, что не сделал этого раньше. Боялся как мальчишка, глупо! Она великолепная девушка и ради нее я готов на все!

Автор:  Куколка9110 [ 17-05, 14:44 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

Оставляйте хоть какие комментарии!Автор должен знать ваше отношение к фику!Мне очень нужно ваше мнение!

Автор:  Janine,from Uchiha clan [ 17-05, 16:18 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

ну вот вам мое мнение...ООС'а как такового нет, фанфик легкий, мне понравился)ошибок орфографических не заметила,запятые-есть немного , да и еще, Жанин пишется с одной "н",но эт так к слову)))Пы.Сы.может стоило приписать AU? т.к. тут новый герой есть)

Автор:  Куколка9110 [ 17-05, 17:14 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

Большое спасибо!учтем)

Автор:  Pumpkin [ 18-05, 07:38 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

"Девушка резко поднялась и попыталась убежать, но сильные руки легко обхватили ее за талию... В ответ парень мягко положил свободную руку чуть пониже шеи"
ну я понимаю радиоактивные заряды в ружьях и все такое)))))
А фанфик неплох, очень не плох)

Автор:  Куколка9110 [ 18-05, 13:49 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

Я этот глюк обнаружила только когда фик уже выложили сама долго смеялась)Спасибо за внимательность)

Автор:  Dashok) [ 28-06, 22:06 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

вот фик на английском

Bewitching Secrets
by Helen-Kylie

"Ghoulies at one o'clock!" Garrett cried, as he raced down 57th Street into Central Park after two tree-like demons. The other EGB's raced after him.

"Heads up!" Eduardo shot his proton gun at one demon and caught it in the stream of light. "Kylie, the trap?"

Kylie turned abruptly and threw a ghost trap, slamming her thumb on the button. The demon was sucked in.

"They check in..."

"But they won't check out!" Kylie finished Eduardo's sentence and smiled at him.

Eduardo grinned back and they both took off running after Garrett and Roland, who were still pursuing the other ghost in the dark of the night.

Garrett shot at the demon hovering above him, but the ghost easily dodged it and shot a fireball back at Garrett. Garrett screamed and covered his face with his arms, preparing for the impact.

"GARRETT!" Roland cried and shot at a nearby fire hydrant, the water shot up and put out the fire, just a few feet from Garrett.

"Thanks, Rollo!" Garrett said, as he took off in the same direction the demon fled.

"What just happened?" Eduardo questioned, as he and Kylie arrived on the scene.

"Garrett just got his butt saved," Roland stated, then he began to run after Garrett. Eduardo and Kylie were right behind. When the three arrived at the spot where the demon was, they found that Garrett had already caught the ghost in his proton beam.

"A little help here, guys!" he called. Eduardo picked up a trap and threw it under the struggling demon, he jabbed the button. The demon was sucked into the ghost trap and was ready for transportation to the containment unit.

"Now we can go," Roland sighed, as he picked up the ghost trap.


"How was the bust?" Janine asked, as the four entered the firehouse.

"To put it in Garrett's terms, it rocked!" Roland answered her.

Eduardo headed for the stairs and proceeded up to the living room, where he sat down and turned on the TV. Kylie grabbed a copy of yet another ghost book and sat in her favorite chair, but she didn't feeling like reading. Instead she kept glancing over the top of her book at Eduardo. *I wonder, is he thinking about me? I don't think so...* Kylie sighed.

Kylie's woeful sigh caught his attention, *What's on her mind? Not me, that's for sure. What can I do to make her see... that I love her?*

On the radio the theme from "54" played:

If you could read my mind,
what a story I'd have to tell
If you read my mind...

Kylie turned it off and Eduardo, lost in his thoughts, soon drifted to sleep.


When he woke later, he looked at the digital clock on the endtable - it was 3.15am. He looked at the chair Kylie was sitting in. Kylie was fast asleep, her book still sitting were she left it, resting across her chest. He got up and carefully took the book from her hands and covered her with his jacket.

"Aw, isn't that sweet?" a woman's voice mocked. Eduardo turned around to see a lady leaning against the wall watching him. Everything about her was black, her long hair, long dress, lips, eye-shadow, all black; even her eyes were such a deep blue a person would say they were black, everything but her skin, which was almost pure white. "The leader is in love with a vampire."

Eduardo glared at her. "She is no vampire," Eduardo said calmly, holding his head high. "What do you want Nicolia?"

"To see you, of course!" the woman, Nicolia, walked over to Eduardo and looked at him seductively, then gingerly put her hand on his shoulder.

Eduardo frowned and didn't budge. "What do you want?"

"Don't you think I just want to see you?" she replied, in a sexy voice, playing with his goatee.

"Because with you Nicolia, everything has a price," Eduardo looked at her with cold eyes.

Nicolia frowned and pushed down hard on his shoulders causing him to fall onto the couch. Nicolia lowered her head down toward Eduardo until they were close enough to kiss, then she ran a black fingernail back and forth across his neck. "You're right about that," she snarled, "now were is it?"

"Where's what?" Eduardo asked, still glaring. Nicolia moved her hand from his shoulder to behind his neck and squeezed hard tilting his head up so he looked straight at her. He was so close he could see her black lip-liner.

"Don't play dumb, Eduardo. Where's my crystal?!"

"It's not yours!"

Nicolia moved her hand around to the front of Eduardo's throat and pushed him deeper into the sofa. Still with her hand around his neck, she lowered her head even closer to Eduardo.

"You took it and I want it back!" she began to squeeze his neck.

"You used it wrongly, for evil, that's why I expelled you!"

"Save it, Eduardo! Where is it?!"

"I don't know."

"You're the head of the coven, you have to know!"

"I'm not giving it back."

"By the goddess you will or so help me I will make your life miserable..." She point her free hand at the sleeping Kylie, "...and she will be the first thing to go!"

"If you so much as set one finger on her I will totally remove all your powers!"

"So, Kylie IS the one you desire," Nicolia let go of Eduardo and walked over to Kylie and watched her. "She is very beautiful, does she know about you? Or are you not so fearless when it comes to mortal women?" she sneered.

"She doesn't know and she doesn't have to," Eduardo had gotten up and was standing by Nicolia watching Kylie, he didn't want anything to upset her, she was emotionally fragile as it was, she didn't have to know he was a witch and he didn't want to hurt her. Nicolia watched Eduardo's face.

"I've been watching you for a while now," she paused, an odd half-smile appeared on her face as she watched Eduardo. "You love her. She is as beautiful as the goddess."

Eduardo looked at Nicolia and pointed at Kylie "If you do one thing to hurt her, I will kill you!"

"No harm will come to her, if you do as I ask."

Eduardo was silent. "So we have an understanding?" Nicolia asked, an evil smile on her face.

"I'm not going to abandon my coven or Kylie," Eduardo glared at Nicolia, who frowned at him.

"You may be the head warlock, Eduardo, but you are no match for me!"

"Eduardo?" Garrett called from downstairs "who are you talkin' to?"

"Not a word," Nicolia threatened and slapped her hand over his mouth "Or Kylie goes!" She slowly removed her hand.

"No one, Garrett," Eduardo answered, not taking his eyes off Nicolia.

"Good boy," Nicolia smiled. She grabbed the back of Eduardo's neck and pulled him down to her level. She leaned forward and he could feel her breath on his ear. "I will be back for my crystal," she turned his head toward her and pressed her lips to his before pulling away. "Until then..." Nicolia said, then she vanished.


Eduardo sat down hard, trying to make sense of what just happened.

Garrett entered the room. "Who were you talking to? I was asleep and I heard voices - they woke me up."

Eduardo sighed and shook his head. "It was the radio"

"Oh," Garrett thought a minute, shook his head and left.

Silent tears began to roll down Eduardo's checks. It was bad enough having to keep his secret from her and because he WAS a witch, her life was in danger. He looked at Kylie sleeping soundly. At that moment, a cloud moved away from the moon and the room was bathed in an eerie light. Eduardo walked over to her and kneeled down beside her chair. He pushed a few strands of her black hair out of her face. *I won't let anything happen to you,* he thought *I will protect you.*


Garrett poured himself a cup a of coffee, but his mind wandered and he splashed the hot liquid over his hand. "AHHGGHH!!" He dropped the mug and it hit the floor, shattering into a dozen pieces, spilling coffee all over the kitchen floor. "SON OF A..." his sentence was cut short as Eduardo entered the room. Oblivious to Garrett he walked right to the frige, deep in thought. He only snapped out of it when he felt the warm thick liquid against his feet.

"Yuck!" he lifted his foot and tryed to shake off some of the coffee. Garrett was still muttering and swearing under his breath. "Down, boy," Eduardo said, as he started to pick up some of the broken pieces.

"What with you this mornin'?" Garrett looked at him strangely.


"You didn't make a sarcastic remark when you saw me, you didn't notice the coffee until you stepped in it and your picking up the broken glass!" Garrett pointed at the scattered fragments on the floor. Eduardo dropped the pieces in his hand in surprise, he didn't even realized what he was doing!

"I was just thinking, about something..." Eduardo voice trailed off in deep thought.

"Well, I have a problem here!" Garrett cried, as he pointed around the kitchen at the mess. "Egon will kill me! He just got the floor waxed!"

"I'll clean it up, I need time to think," Eduardo stood up and brushed off his jeans.

"O.K..." Garrett looked surprised and totally confused as he left the room.

Eduardo checked the hall, no one was around, he pointed at the coffee on the floor. "Liquid lying on the floor, go away, be there no more." The coffee disappeared. Eduardo shifted his attention to the broken mug. "Pieces of mug from Garrett's hand, fly away to the garbage can!" The pieces rose off the floor and dumped themselves in the trash bin.

"Child's play!" Eduardo thought.

He left the room and went back to the living room, Kylie was awake. She was sitting with a troubled look on her face. She had Eduardo's jacket pulled tightly around her and was watching the snow slowly tumble to the ground through the window. Outside it was dark, the thick, heavy clouds had blocked out the sun and small gusts of wind played with the falling snow. Eduardo noticed the worried look on her face. The radio played:

So open up your mornin' light,
And say a little prayer for life,
If you want to stay alive,
We see the peace we left behind.

"What's up, Kylie?" he tried his best to keep his voice from cracking.

"Nothing, Eduardo, I was just thinking about a dream I had last night."

This statement sparked Eduardo's interest. "Yea?" he tryed to sound more cheery then he really was. "What kind of dream?"

"I dreamed you and I were in very deep trouble, something about a witch coven and a girl who wanted an orb or amulet or something like that from you, but you refused to give it up. It seemed so... real."

"It was nothing," Eduardo responded, but he lacked the sound of confidence that he tryed to bring. Luckily, Kylie was too wrapped up in her thoughts to notice.

"Yea, you're right!"

"Hey Ky, want some breakfast?"

Kylie frowned at Eduardo as he stood up. "I'm not making you pancakes!"

Eduardo smiled. "No, I'll cook!"

"In that case, I'd love some!"

Eduardo smiled at her and she smiled back. Then he started toward the kitchen and Kylie followed. When Kylie smiled it made him feel more confident. *Kylie, you don't know the trouble were in,* he thought, *but I'll get us out of it, somehow.*

He placed a plate of bacon and eggs in front of her and she began to eat. "This is good, Eduardo! I didn't know you could cook!"

"Thanks! I've been working on it ever since I almost became the first person to burn down a firehouse!" He sat down beside her with his own dish and began to eat.


The phone rang three times before Egon answered it. "Ghostbusters, hmm... yea... umm... yes, we'll be there in f ifteen minutes."

Janine had been listening and didn't wait to be told to summon the teens. She spoke into the intercom, "Grab your blasters, boys and girls, we've got some ghosts to bust!"

Kylie and Eduardo looked at each other and shrugged. They abandoned their breakfasts on the table and charged full-speed down the stairs.


"Ever notice how people are just SOOO happy to see us?!" Garrett remarked as he approached the building. People were running out screaming.

"It's your breath, Garrett!" Eduardo joked.

Garrett gave a little sarcastic laugh and slapped his knee. "That was soo funny! HAHAHA!"

"That wasn't funny," Kylie said with a serious look. "That, was hilarious!" She giggled, joined by Eduardo and Roland. Garrett just glared at them.

"That's our cue!" Roland said as the last person ran out. They walked into the tavern to find a woman, maybe in her late twenties, hiding behind the bar.

She saw Eduardo and yelled, "Eduardo! Am I ever glad to see you!"

"Kristin! What's up! Where's the ghost?"

Kristin pointed at the ceiling. Flying overhead was a red, devil-like demon.

"On three!" Roland yelled.

"THREE!" they all said together and shot at the ghost. The ghost screamed in pain before disintegrating into dust and falling to the ground.

"Huh?" Roland watched the dust fall to the ground. Kylie took out her PKE meter. Not a thing showed up.

"It's gone," Kylie said quietly.

"That's the way to trap a ghost!" Garrett cried.

"How come it just dissolved?" Roland pondered outloud.

"Beats me!" Kylie answered. "Hey, where is Eduardo?" She answered her own question when she saw him talking with Kristin. Kylie strained to hear them, but only got the last few words.

"Why?" Kristin asked.

"Three guesses, first two don't count," Eduardo responded.

"She wants her..." Eduardo cut her off.

"Yea," Kristin stood up and hugged Eduardo, there were tears in her eyes.

"Good luck," She said and pulled back. "May the goddess go with you!"

"Blessed be, Kristin."

"Blessed be, my leader."

Kylie gasped, she turned toward Garrett and Roland, but fortunately they were too busy arguing to hear what she had heard. *The goddess? Leader? Blessed be?* She thought to herself. *Who wants what?* Then she remembered her dream, witches, a girl wanting something... from Eduardo! *Is it possible? Could Eduardo be a coven leader, a witch priest? It makes sense now!* Fear filled her eyes, Eduardo was a warlock and someone was after him.

"Ahhh, Kristin and the leader under one roof!" Nicolia appeared in the corner and stood silently in the shadows.

"Nicolia! What do you want? I demand you leave my tavern immediately!" Kristin screamed at her.

"Nicolia?" Kylie, Garrett and Roland said in union.

"Lost spirits that surroundeth me, bring the witches I command of thee!" Nicolia screamed and suddenly demons of all shapes and sizes flew at Kristin and Eduardo.

"HEADS UP!" Garrett called and shot at the demons, Roland joined the chase. Every time a spirit got hit it dissolved. Kylie ran to Eduardo.

"Kristin, get out of here!" Kylie called to her. Kristin didn't have to hear that twice, she turned and ran.

"AGGHHH" Nicolia screamed in frustration. "Let's do this the convenient way," she watched Eduardo and Kylie blasting the demons. An evil grin spread across her face as she raised her hand, pointed at Eduardo and Kylie and recited the incantation again.

A bright flash blinded Garrett and Roland for a minute and when they could see again, the demons, and Eduardo and Kylie were gone. Only their ghostbusting gear remained...


Kylie rolled over and a pain shot up her arm. In the distance, she heard a girl scream in pain and it took her a minute to realize it was her. She noticed blood smeared around the rock floor that she lay on. She also realized her armor, proton gun and trap were gone. She looked around. She was in a cave with no exit, just a few little cracks in the rock ceiling, big enough to let an eerie red light in, but not big enough to climb out. The ceiling was about as high as a one story house. The walls were rocky. It would be an easy climb to the ceiling, but that would be in vain. The cave was very unusual too, it wasn't cold, instead it was like a sauna, hot and humid. A hot spring bubbled up in one corner of the cave under a high ledge, fed by a waterfall of hot water pouring through the rocks and over the ledge, falling with a mystical music as it hit the pool in the center. Growing on the cave walls were thick vines blossoming with wild orchids. The purple flowers released an enchanting smell throughout the cave.

Kylie pulled herself to a sitting position, she looked at her shoulder and saw it was dislocated. She snapped it back in place and screamed in pain. Her other arm had a large gash and blood was pouring from it. Then, on the other side of the cave, she saw Eduardo sprawled across the ground, unconscious...


"Where are they!?" Garrett demanded.

"Somewhere..." Nicolia replied in a childish voice.

"Cut the cheekiness, witch!"

"They're safe."

"That wasn't the question!" Roland snapped.

"Tell us or we'll blast you!" Garrett threatened.

"You can't blast her," Roland snapped.

"Why not?"

"She's not a ghost, she's human!"

"A special human, and I want something Eduardo has, I want the crystal of Circe," Nicolia raised her head high.

"She's a witch, a REAL witch, as in 'bibbidi-bobbidi-boo'!" Roland looked at her and Garrett cringed. Nicolia laughed a wicked laughed and vanished.

Garrett sped to the spot where she had stood. "GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE..." he screamed and shook his fist in the empty air.

"That won't help."

The radio interrupted them. "Ghostbusters... come in... Garrett, Kylie, Roland, Eduardo?... come in."

Roland picked up his radio and answered. "Egon... we have a problem..."


Kylie struggled to her feet, walked to Eduardo and collapsed beside him. She pulled his head onto her lap. "Eduardo, Eduardo? Wake up!" She shook him gently "Oh, my god! EDUARDO! EDUARDO! Please get up! Please!" Tears began to flow from her eyes.

"Ohhh..." Eduardo moved a bit, his eyes half-open. "Kylie..."

"Yea, I'm here," She stroked his hair and let out a relieved sigh.

"You're crying."

"Eduardo, you just scared me to death!" she responded, she tried to sound mad, but her voice was choked up.

"Sorry," he reached up and wiped away a tear from her flushed face. "Now, please stop crying, you're making your mascara run," he smiled.

She shut her eyes and held his hand that was still against her cheek and smiled.

Eduardo pushed himself up. "This is one weird place."

"Not as weird as what's going on."

Eduardo looked at Kylie. A mixture of panic, anger, sadness, and upset raged war across her face.

He was silent. "Well..." Eduardo turned away.

"Eduardo, I heard what you and that Kristin girl were saying... suddenly my dream made sense, so tell me the whole story!"

"It's pretty long."

"Well, we aren't going anywhere any time soon!"


"I haven't seen anything like it," Egon said as he examined the dust from the ghosts that 'popped'.

"I hate it when he says that," Garrett groaned.

"Stop complaining, that's Eduardo's job!" Janine said.

"I wonder what happened to them?" Roland asked.

"Maybe they're dead!"

"Garrett... shut up!" Janine and Roland said in union.


Slimer entered the room "as enyun ean i hips?" he asked.

"In the cabinet, Slimer," Janine answered. Slimer opened the cabinet, took out a bag of potato chips and began to eat.

Egon straightened his glasses, as he pondered why the entities would only attacked Kristin, Kylie and Eduardo. "Do you do remember when Eduardo went into the containment unit?" Egon asked.

"Yea, but this is no time to reminisce!" Garrett rolled eyes.

"I'm not reminiscing, I'm making a point. You know how Syren hypnotized Slimer into attacking Eduardo?"

Slimer nodded.

"Yea, so?" Roland urged Egon on.

"A human can also hypnotize an entity with an incantation, and it will do whatever the person wills it to do."

"Hey!" Garrett exclaimed "That witch woman, Nicolia, said a rhyme before all the ghosts started attacking Eduardo and Kristin."

"Do you remember what she said?" Egon asked.

Roland thought a minute. "Lost spirits that surroundeth me, bring the witches, I command of thee!" Roland said it slowly to get all the words right. "Then the spirits attacked... no, that can't be right!"

"What can't be right?" Janine asked, puzzled.

"She asked the spirits to bring her the witches, and they went after Eduardo and Kristin!"

"That can't be right! Eduardo a witch?!" Janine began. "He was the first one to not believe in the paranormal."

"It's not so far fetched," Garrett said quietly.

"Garrett, what do you know about this?" Egon asked.

"Well, last night I was asleep and I heard voices upstairs. They woke me up. I heard a boy and girl, for a minute I thought it was Eduardo and Kylie arguing again. But I realized it wasn't Kylie's voice... it was another girl's. I definitely knew Eduardo's voice. They were arguing about something... I didn't hear it all but I remember Kylie's name was mentioned. So was a goddess and coughing or caving or something..."

"A coven?" Egon questioned.

"Yea! That was the word they used! And something about "I want my crystal back," and girls voice it sounded like..." Garrett paused... "Nicolia."

"She did say something about "the crystal of Circe" and that Eduardo had it?" Roland asked, thoughtful remembering what she had said at the tavern.

"You said "goddess" right?" Janine said. "Wiccans honor a goddess!"


"Wiccans are people who belong to the Wicca religion... a.k.a. witches!" Roland explained to Garrett.

"Hmm..." Egon's voice trailed off. He typed "crystal of Circe" in the search box of the U.S. Online Homepage.


"So, I've been a witch for a good 13 years!" Eduardo concluded.

"How come you didn't tell us?" Kylie was fascinated by his story.

"I didn't know how you would react!"

"How did you become the coven leader?"

"I just have the most experience."

"And Nicolia?"

Eduardo sighed before answering. "She had a very powerful crystal. Instead of using it for good, she used it for evil, I threw her out of my coven and took away her crystal."

"Oh," Kylie said.

"You forgot the part about how I killed your true love, oh right, I didn't do that...yet!" Nicolia shouted. She was standing in the shadows, dressed in a long, white wicca diaphonio. The red rose she held caught on fire and she watched it burn in her hand, then threw the ashes at Kylie. "Where is my crystal?"

Eduardo raised his head. "I'm not telling" he snapped.

"Then watch her DIE!" Nicolia shot a fire ball at Kylie, Eduardo shoved her out of the way and the fire hit him instead, sending him sprawling. Kylie landed with a thump, her back against the wall.

"AAHHH" she screamed in pain.

Nicolia walked to her and spoke... "Rock immobile as the wall, on her leg I ask you fall!" A large rock crumbled off the wall and landed on Kylie's leg. Kylie shrieked in pain.

Nicolia smiled and walked toward Eduardo. Blood was pouring from his side and a small stream trickled out of his mouth. "Get up!" Nicolia commanded. Eduardo coughed and blood splattered forth. Kylie saw how badly he was hurt, but found she couldn't call to him, or even move, she hurt too much. She closed her eyes and passed out.

Nicolia slammed her hand down on Eduardo's neck. "Ahh..." Eduardo gasped. Holding him by the back of his neck she pulled him to a sitting position.

"I have no pity but for the sake of me, no life-threatening wound let there be!" she chanted. Blood stopped pouring from his mouth but his side still bled, she had only stopped the internal bleeding. He looked at her and she turned his head so he was looking into the pool of water. Upon seeing their reflections he felt dizzy and leaned forward, balancing on both his hands. He watched Nicolia's reflection in the water. She knelt down next to Eduardo and put her other hand on his chest. He felt her lips press against his check. He watched her in the water and she watched the reflection from the corner of her eye.

"I will kill her," she whispered in his ear.

"I know."

Nicolia smiled. Eduardo could feel her breath on his check and trembled.


"Do you think she'll be here?" Garrett asked as he, Roland , Egon, and Janine approached the tavern.

"I think she will," Egon answered. They entered the tavern and, sure enough, Kristin was behind the bar serving an overly-big man.

"Well, well the Ghostbusters! Where's Eduardo and the black-haired girl?" she asked cheerfully as she saw them enter.

"That's what we want to talk to you about," Janine replied. Kristin noticed the upset on their faces.

"Oh, my god! What happened!?"

"We need to ask you a few questions."

"Sure, one minute." Kristin asked all the customers to leave and she locked the door behind them.

"What do you need to know?" she asked, quietly.


Still watching Nicolia in the water, tears began to roll down Eduardo's face. "Love hurts. doesn't it?" she sneered.

"How would you know? You've never loved anyone, but yourself," Eduardo voice cracked halfway through the sentence.

"Where is my crystal, tell me and her life will be spared." Her finger pointed toward Kylie, she didn't even wait for Eduardo's answer. A ball of fire shot out of her hand and struck Kylie, her loud scream echoed through the room.

"KYLIE! NO!!!!!!!!" Eduardo jumped up, but Nicolia jerked his head back and he fell to the ground.

"Damn you," he whispered, exhausted, blood still trickling from his injuries.

"She is alive, but I swear if you don't surrender the crystal by dawn tomorrow, she will die!" Nicolia let her grip slip from Eduardo's neck and she disappeared.

He struggled to his feet and ran to Kylie. "Kylie? KYLIE!"

She raised her head and looked at him. He gasped, her nose was bleeding and the blood ran down her face. The side of her mouth was bleeding, too. Her side where the fire hit her was streaming blood and covered with burns and welts. "The rock Eduardo," she moaned "move the rock," It took all the strength he had to push the rock off her left leg. When he pushed it away Kylie fell into his arms, sobbing.


"Do you have any idea where Eduardo would hide something so precious?"

"None, he is very secretive," Kristin answered and took a sip from her tea.

"Let's recap, shall we?" Garrett said "Eduardo is witch, the coven priest. Kristin is in his coven, that's how they know each other. He kicked out Nicolia for treason and took her jewel that gave her amazing powers. Now, she has found her way back to New York City and is out to get her crystal back so she can take over Earth; and the crystal will only work when used by a witch."

"Yup that's about it," Janine confirmed.

"Are you sure you have no idea where the crystal is?"

"Hmm..." Kristin though a minute. "It may be in the coven's relic case, but there is an electronic alarm system on it and only Eduardo knows the code!"

"Is it a number or word code?" Garrett asked.


"How many letters?"

"Five, I think."

Garrett smiled at Kristin's answer. "Lets go get that crystal!"

"Do you think you know the code!?" Roland asked in suprise.

"THINK! I KNOW the code!" Garrett sped for the door. The others could only shrug and follow.


Eduardo inspected Kylie's foot, he frowned and shook his head. "Torn muscle."

Kylie had ripped Eduardo's vest into thin strips and was using them to bandage up her side. She also had her dislocated shoulder stiffly wrapped, so it wouldn't hurt as bad.

"Hey, Ky, pass what's left of my vest down here so I can wrap up your foot." She handed some bandages to Eduardo and he started to wrap up her foot.

"Eduardo, you wouldn't happen to have a spare shirt would you?"

"No," he answered, then he reached into his jeans pocket and pulled out a large green handkerchief. "But, I do have this!"

"That'll work!" She took the handkerchief and smiled as she began to rip it into strips. "Now it's your turn to get doctored." She looked at Eduardo. "Take off your shirt, that wound of yours is still bleeding!"


Garrett leaned over the control pad and typed in a word. The buttons beeped as he pressed them and hit the enter key. The door unlocked and all five people cheered.

"Way to go, Garrett!" Roland cried.

"How did you know his code?" Kristin asked.

"Logic! What is a five letter name Eddie always has on his mind?"

Roland shrugged, he didn't know.

"Kylie!" Garrett answered his own question.

"Of course, how come I never thought of that!"

The five started laughing for a minute before opening the case. There inside, sparkling, was the crystal of Circe.


"EEEOWWW!!" Eduardo yelped, as Kylie added another strip around his stomach.

"Eduardo, you're a big baby, you know that?!" she scolded. She began to rip another strip from her top when the handkerchief pieces had run out. Her tank-top now resembled a crop-top with the seams pulled out.

"Sorry, it's just this hole in my side hurts!" he said with more then a little sarcasm. He rubbed his bandage covered side.

"Yea? I have my own wounds to worry about. Like a gash on my stomach and on my arm, also a dislocated shoulder!" She rubbed her sore arm.

"I thought you fixed that?"

"It's snapped back in place, but it still hurts like heck!" She shifted her shoulder and it made a loud crack. Kylie adjusted the new strip on Eduardo's side.


"Hold on! I only have to fasten it." Kylie tucked the black strip under another so it would stay in place.

"There! That wasn't so bad." She crawled on her hands and one knee to a rock behind Eduardo and sat down on it. She put her hand on Eduardo's shoulder.

"It wasn't as bad as stopping the bleeding!" Eduardo remarked, as he surveyed the bandage.

"Sorry, I had to do that. Stuffing the fabric inside your injury must have really hurt."

"You know," Eduardo touched his side again and smiled "It feels much better, you're a good doctor!"

Kylie smiled and rubbed his shoulder where her hand rested. She looked at him lovingly. "Thanks." Kylie slid off the rock and crawled to the pool. She looked at her reflection and touched the water. It was very hot. She sat up and slid her good foot into the water, flowed by her bad foot and she slowly lowered herself in. She was waist deep in the hot water and it felt good against her leg and side.

"What are you doing? Those are the only clothes you have!" Eduardo joked with a half-smile.

"Trying to make my leg feel better, I thought the heat might do some good." She sank down into the water and swam to a large flat rock under the water. The rock was only submerged by an inch or two and it was right under the waterfall. Kylie pulled herself on to it and let the water pour down over her. She laughed, the hot water felt good.

"I'm not letting YOU have all the fun!" Eduardo laughed as he, too, got into the water. He walked to the stone and sat down with Kylie, letting the waterfall run it's hot liquid over his head. He smiled. He accidentally brushed against Kylie's back. She tensed quickly and pulled away in a start. "What's up with you?" Eduardo asked, puzzled.

"Nothing, that's just a sore spot on my back." She pulled her knees to her chest and rested her chin on them, her smile now suddenly gone. As she shifted her position, Eduardo noticed something on her back.

"What this?" Eduardo touched the spot.

"It's nothing."

Eduardo frowned and arched his eyebrow. He grabbed the strap of her tank-top, pulled it over her shoulder and gasped. Kylie calmly pulled the strap back up.

"Happy now?" she muttered.

"Ky, where did you get all those scars?" He was shocked at what he had seen, her back was covered in small scars, short ones grouped together and sliding downward, others like small puncture holes and jagged rips and a few long rectangular ones that looked like they were from... "a belt!" Eduardo gasped "Kylie, some of these were made by a belt!"

"So?" her voice was quiet.

"Kylie where did you get all these!?" Eduardo demanded. Kylie turned around and looked at him, she was crying. Eduardo put his arms around her and held her close. She put her head on his shoulder and sobbed.

"What happened to you, Ky?" He asked again, quietly. Kylie looked up into the waterfall and let the water wash over her face. "Ky?"

Kylie looked at him. "You know my parents are gone... they left me at my grandma Rose's." Eduardo nodded, he knew this story. "Before they left me there... they used to fight all the time and they liked to take their anger out on me a lot." That was all Eduardo needed to hear, He held her close again, her tears flowing from her emerald eyes.

"I know how you feel," he said silently.

"How could you?" she sobbed.

"My father used to beat me," he paused letting the painful memories return, soon he found himself crying. "And Carlos used to beat me up. Mom was afraid of them, so she never helped."

"I guess were both from broken homes," Kylie said, quietly.

"Yea, I guess so," Eduardo agreed. "At least were safe now."

"Until dawn," Kylie remembered. The hot water from the falls weren't as comforting now and Eduardo cringed.

"I won't let her get you!" Eduardo held her close. "I love you, Kylie."

Kylie raised her head and looked into his soft brown eyes. "I love you, too."

They both smiled and their lips touched in a passionate kiss...


"Do you think this will work?" Roland asked.

"Shhhhhhh!" Garrett, Egon and Janine answered.

Kristin stood in the center of a pentagram, drawn with white ash on the floor of the coven's alter. She was dressed in a white dress. She held the crystal high above her head and chanted "Mystic forces guided by the goddess, as time as my ally, and time as a guide, I command time to take them, and save them, and bring them from her hiding place NOW!" Light shot out of the gem and swirled around Kristin like a hard wind, before shooting up in a pillar of white light, totally enveloping her in the swirling tornado...


"What's going on?" Kylie cried suddenly, pulling away from Eduardo's arms. The cave began to flicker, like a candle about to go out.

"Hold on this is going to be one rough ride!" Eduardo yelled, as the room vanished in a white light...


The white light pillar seemed to explode and Garrett, Egon, Janine, and Roland covered their eyes. When the light disappeared, Kristin was still in the pentagram holding the crystal above her head, also in the pentagram were Eduardo and Kylie.

"EDDIE!" Garrett cried.

"Hey, Roller-boy!" Eduardo called back, happily.

Kristin lowered the crystal and smiled. "Thanks, Kristin!" Eduardo beamed.

"No problem."


At the fire house, the seven gathered.

"So, we have till dawn?" Kristin asked again.

"For the fourth time - YES!" Kylie answered. Eduardo was deep in thought.

"What do you think Goat-boy?" Garrett asked. "Or should I say witch-boy?"

"I think," Eduardo grinned, "I think, I have an idea!"


Eduardo stood in a pentagram drawn with white ash on the floor, the crystal in front of him.

Nicolia appeared across from him. "My crystal?" She held out her hand to take it.

Eduardo shook his head no, and grinned.

Nicolia frowned "I've had about enough of you!" She shot a fire stream at him... Eduardo held up his hands and her flames hit an invisible wall. She lowered her hands again. Nicolia half-smiled "How come you didn't try that sooner?"

Eduardo shrugged. Nicolia frowned and rolled her eyes.

"Spirits!" She clapped her hands and demons flew at Eduardo, covering him and he dropped the crystal. Nicolia smiled and picked up the crystal.

"Hey, that wasn't supposed to happen," Kristin whispered. She and the others were watching from the shadows. Kylie jumped up and began to walk toward the pentagram.

"KYLIE, GET BACK HERE!" Egon ordered, but she didn't listen.

"Alright, that's it!" she yelled at Nicolia. Nicolia turned her head and smiled.

"Ahh, me lady, such trouble he is," she pointed at Eduardo struggling with the demons.

Kylie raised her hands toward Nicolia. "Mystic forces on the eve, from the star let her not leave!" A white light shot from Kylie's hands and surrounded Nicolia.

"AHHH!" Nicolia shrieked and the light pulled her to the ground and try as she might, she could not get up.

Kylie stared at her hands and everyone stared at her, Kylie smiled, and stepped into the pentagram, when she did, the demons disappeared.

"You go, Kylie!" Eduardo cheered.

"Nicolia, I've had all I want of you!" Kylie snapped her fingers and the gem flew from Nicolia's hand to her's. Kylie held the crystal tightly and Eduardo stood up watching Nicolia struggle on the floor.

"Let me go!"

"Uh... let me think," Eduardo started. "NO!"

Nicolia let loose a screech that closely resembled a falcon's cry.

Eduardo lowered his eyes and bellowed in a fury no one in the group had never heard before. "Nicolia Graurden, You are charged with treason to the wicca religon!" The light released Nicolia and she fell at Eduardo and Kylie's feet.

"Please! I beg mercy!"

"You set out to destroy the world and you beg mercy?!" Kylie bellowed, but it didn't sound like Kylie.

"You have been charged!" Eduardo roared, "With treason to the occult and to the high council; endangering mortal lives and stealing the crystal of Circe for your own gain! I sentence you to be totally powerless!"

"NO!!!" Nicolia screamed.

Kylie held the crystal above her head. "In the name of the goddess, I ask that Nicolia Graurden be banquished!" Light shot out of the jewel and enveloped Nicolia in light. When the light faded away Nicolia was still there, but she looked very confused. Eduardo took the crystal and waved his hand over it. The pentagram disappeared. He bent down to Nicolia.

"Are you o.k.?" he asked.

"I... I... I think so..."

"What's your name?" Kylie asked.

"Nicolia... I think... I'm not sure! I don't remember!" Nicolia began to cry. "I don't know!" she sobbed again.

"I think we should get you to a doctor," Egon said.

"What's with her? How come she doesn't remember what happened?" Garrett asked. Kristin glared at him.

"Memory erasing!" she whispered to Garrett.



Back at the firehouse all seven people sat at the kitchen table. Eduardo had finished his story about the witches and Nicolia.

"Something is bothering me," Kristin said.

"What?" Garrett asked, while shoving a handful of potato chips in his mouth.

"Kylie not only entered the pentagram with no problems, she also shot lightning at Nicolia and freed Eduardo!"

Kylie looked up from her tea. "I don't know how I knew it, or why I did it, It just... came out!" Kylie was just as puzzled as Kristin.

"I say she's a natural witch!" Eduardo chimed in.

"A what?" Roland asked.

"A NATURAL witch, a witch born with the power, like me!" Eduardo explained "You don't even have to learn, you just know!"

Kristin nodded in agreement.

"There's also taught witches who learn how to harness the power," Kristin continued for Eduardo, "Like me!"

"Natural, taught, no difference!" Garrett shrugged.

"There's a lot of difference!" Eduardo explained, "A natural witch is much stronger than a taught witch."

"Well, as much as I'm enjoying this conversation," Janine started, "I have to file a report on this!" she started to leave and was just about to go through the kitchen door when she heard Kylie speak.

"So you're saying I may be a witch?" she asked, excitedly.

"You are..." a strange, womanly voice answered.

Everyone, including Janine, stared at the spot the voice came from, in the center of the room. There a woman appeared, hovering a few inches from the top of the table. Eduardo and Kristin bowed to her. Sensing she was important, everyone in the room, even Slimer and Egon, bowed to the strange woman. The lady was dressed in white, flowing garments and had golden blond hair that came down to her waist. Her hair and dress blew softly in an unfelt breeze. She glowed in a white light and stared ahead blankly, as if she were blind. After an uneasy silence the woman spoke again, her voice was like a current of spring air, warm and enchanting, rising and falling like an autumn leaf on a breeze.

"My children," she said, as her eyes finally left their fixed position. She looked at Eduardo, Kristin and Kylie, oblivious to everyone else in the room. She smiled softly and spoke to Eduardo, "That was a brave thing you did," Eduardo smiled and bowed again. "You have used the powers I gave you well. I always knew you were special."

"Thank you, my goddess," he breathed.

*So that's who she is* Janine thought *The Wiccan goddess!*

The goddess stepped down onto the table, onto a chair, onto the floor and walked to Eduardo. He looked into the goddess' clear, blue eyes. "You were always special," she said again. "And you have served me well." She took off a necklace from around her throat and hung it around Eduardo's neck. "In gratitude, I give you my necklace as a reward, it will help your magic."

Eduardo smiled and looked at the pendent on the gold chain. It had a huge opal set in gold and diamonds all around it.

"Thank you!" he breathed, overwhelmed that she would give him this.

The goddess shifted her attention to Kristin "You, my child, have learned well, and grown quickly. You are powerful for one who has learned, so I will give you something to help your learning," she removed a clip from her golden hair and placed it in Kristin's hand. "Wear it to ceremonies and it will help you learn."

Kristin nodded. "I will."

The goddess walked over to Kylie. "You, my child, are one of my favorites." Kylie looked at her, the goddess' face was pure and sincere. "You now know who you are, do you wish to become the coven pr iestess or do you wish to grow into your powers?"

Kylie smiled at the goddess and she smiled back.

"You have chosen. I declare you, Kylie Griffin, the priestess of the coven of New York!"

Eduardo smiled. Kylie was to work beside him, she as priestess and he as priest!

"To you, child, I give my ring." The goddess slipped off one of her many ring and gave it to Kylie, who slipped it on. The ring matched the necklace Eduardo now wore.

"I will not fail, my goddess," Kylie told her.

"I know you won't." The goddess floated into the air and disappeared.


Kylie sat on the couch, Eduardo next to her, holding her in his arms. She had her arms around his waist and her head tucked under his chin. The radio played an Aerosmith song:

I could stay awake just to hear you breathin',
Watch you smile while you are sleepin',
While you're far away and dreamin'.
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender,
I could stay lost in this moment forever,
Every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure...
I don't wanna close my eyes,
I don't want to fall asleep,
'Cause I'd miss you baby,
And I don't wanna miss a thing.
'Cause even when I dream of you,
The sweatest dream would never do,
I'd still miss you, baby,
And I don't wanna miss a thing.



"How come you said anything about liking me before?"

She looked at his love-struck face and smiled. "I guess my hardships in my life made it difficult to open up. I guess I feared rejection."

Eduardo grinned and pulled her close.

"Well, we have each other now!"

"Yea." Kylie pushed back, looked at him and ran her fingers through his hair. "I love you, Eduardo Rivera!"

"I love you, Kylie Griffin, always have and always will!" Eduardo put a finger under her chin and tilted her head up and kissed her. She accepted the kiss and kissed him back...

From the top of the stairs, Garrett watched and grinned *It's about time!* he thought. He backed into the lab, figuring it was best to leave them alone...

Автор:  Dashok) [ 28-06, 22:07 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 


"A Cold Day in July"
by Chris

"Hey, Hot Stuff," the enormously voluptuous woman said.

Roland Jackson turned around. "Who, me?" he asked.

"Yeah, you. Come over here and give me some sugar, honey." The woman stepped out from the alley and loosened a button on her already half-open shirt.

"Uh, sorry lady, I still have some homework to do. I'm not legal yet," Roland said, trying to appear younger than his eighteen years, even though he already looked like twenty-five.

He was starting to get nervous, if his mother found this slut climbing all over him, there would have been a LOT of trouble. Not that he was a mama's boy, it was just because his mom still treated him like a three-year-old.

"Come on, don't tell me a big strong man like you is just a little boy," the woman said, feigning a pout.

"Actually, I'm just sixteen," Roland said, his voice raising an octave higher. He was beginning to sweat even harder than normal on a hot day like this. He wasn't really very good with this kind of situation.

*He's lying, I can feel it. How dare he! Lie to the great Coldara, Queen of the Ice Demons, will he? No matter, he shall be my first victim,* she thought, her icy, silver-blue eyes flashing with anger.

"Awww, c'mon sweetie, kiss me." The woman touched his cheek lightly.

*Man, Her skin's FREEZING!* he thought as a shiver ran up his spine.

"C'mere!" she demanded and pulled him into the dark, empty alley.

Seconds later, a man heard someone scream in the alley underneath his apartment. He ran downstairs to see what had happened and pushed through the crowd that had formed around the guy who screamed.

"Buddy, you okay?" He asked as he crouched down next to the stranger lying in the alley, who was practically an ice cube. There was no reply.


"Hey, any of you guys seen Roland? I have to pay him the ten bucks I still owe him," Eduardo asked his friends and colleagues; Garrett, who was inhaling another sandwich, and Kylie, who was too preoccupied with her book to notice that there was anybody else in the room except her.

"Hello? Earth to Kylie and Garrett? Se habla ingles? Hola! Anybody home?" Eduardo knocked on the table Garrett was eating on.

"Huh? What?" Garrett asked, confused after being released from the spell of the sandwich.

"Has anyone seen Ro-"

But before he could finish his question, Janine popped into the room. "Ghostbusters, we have a job!"


Coldara smiled to herself and laughed, savoring the wonderful feeling of power flowing through her, a feeling that she hadn't felt since the Ice Age, over thirty thousand years ago.

"Soon, the Age of Ice shall come again, and with it, the destruction of all mankind!" She laughed again and waved her hand, triggering an inner mechanism that made her take on her human form.

She smiled and opened the newly found portal that was her only conduit into the physical plane since the last one sealed up ten thousand years after she first took over the world in the Ice Age.

She pushed aside one of her minions who was standing directly in front of her and stepped into the physical dimension to look for more victims.


"Comin' through, gangway, 'scuse me," Garrett said as he pushed through the crowd to see what the problem was. "Oh, NO! Roland!" he exclaimed.

"So I went to see what all da c'motion wuz an' I saw dis guy lyin' in da alley lookin' like he wuz gonna freeze his self to death, his lips were all blue an' stuff. An' I sez tuh him 'Buddy, you okay?', But dere wasn't no answer so I wuz tinkin' maybe he's dead. An' I sez tuh myself 'Dis is too Weird, dis guy's frozen stiff an' everybody else is dyin' from da heat wave.', I figure I'd better do somethin', so I call you guys. What do ya make of it?" the man asked Kylie and Eduardo, who were listening intently to him.

"Guys! Guys! It's Roland!" Garrett said, wheeling to them, a look of concern in his eyes.

"What about Roland?" Kylie asked him.

"You'd better see this, he's frozen stiff!" Garrett said. Eduardo and Kylie followed after him as he once again pushed through the crowd.

"Oh God, what's happened to him?" Eduardo squatted next to Roland's half-frozen body, took off his right glove and touched his friend's neck to check his pulse, but quickly withdrew his hand.

"Man, he's FREEZING!"

"Does he have a pulse?" Kylie asked, worriedly.

"I don't know, my hand went numb the second I touched him," Eduardo replied and checked Roland's pulse again, this time, he put on his glove. "He doesn't have any. He's dead."

"He's what?!" Garrett demanded, although he already knew the answer.

"Roland's dead." Eduardo repeated with a calmness that amazed him. One of his best, possibly only, friends was dead.

"Oh, No! C'mon buddy, wake up, wake up!" Kylie said, crouching next to Eduardo, slapping Roland's face gently, ignoring the biting coldness that hit her every time she touched him. Kylie and Roland had a special relationship, sort of like brother and sister.

She felt a warm hand on her shoulder through her thick chest protector. She turned around and saw Garrett's blue eyes, filled with sympathy and sorrow.

Eduardo stood up and shook his head. *Man, Kylie looks so beautiful, so sad, I wish I knew what to do. I love her so much, I wish I could tell her...What am I thinking? Roland's dead and I'm thinking about Kylie,* he thought, chastising himself.

"The residuals are pretty strong. We must be dealing with an entity that manifests ice or snow or somethin' like that," he said, to change the subject.

"Yeah, um, I think we'd better get Roland to the firehouse so Egon can check him over," Garrett added, looking at Kylie pointedly. She nodded and stood up.

"Let's go." Kylie helped Eduardo carry Roland to the ECTO 1. The crowd had thinned out, not finding anything interesting anymore.


"Hmmm, fascinating," Egon said, thoughtfully.

"What? What?" Eduardo demanded.

"There appears to be a hole here," Egon murmured, leaning forward. He adjusted his thick, wire-rimmed glasses to look at the small puncture on Roland's neck.

"Don't tell me...soul-sucking, ectoplasmic vamps again." Garrett rolled his eyes. *Man, I'm getting sick of this, why can't they think of a different kind of ghoulie for us to bust, like maybe, ecto-aliens, that would be soooo cool,* he thought.

"I think so since, like the ordinary vampire, 'soul-suckers' use the neck to suck the lifeforce out of their victims. Like that time when that water slug thing almost turned you into the world's first dehydrated Ghostbuster, Eduardo, remember that?" Kylie said.

"Don't remind me," Eduardo replied, rubbing his throat where the ghost had inserted its tentacles to suck out his life force. It still kinda creeped him out whenever anybody touched him there.

Kylie pinched the back of his neck, Eduardo screamed. Then they heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

"What was that?" Janine demanded, coming into Egon's lab followed by Slimer who was mumbling incoherently, as usual.

"She PINCHED me!" Eduardo whined, pointing at Kylie. She smiled that funny smile she always smiled whenever she did something that she knew Eduardo didn't like.

"Stop acting like such a baby, Eduardo," Janine snapped.

She definitely WASN'T having a very good day. First, the computer crashed, and she couldn't even turn it off. Then the coffeemaker broke down, Roland arrived a human numbsicle, and now, Eduardo was acting like a two-year-old, AGAIN! *When will the hurting stop?* she asked herself as she sat down at her depressing desk, and went on with her unbearably monotonous job.

"I think the entity we're dealing with is Coldara, Queen of the Ice Demons, she was said to be the one who started the Ice Age and thereby, caused the death of the dinosaurs. She is also said to be the harbinger of the Apocalypse," Egon said, typing in his computer.

"Aaand that means?" Garrett asked.

"That if she gets any more powerful, it will be the end of the world as we know it," Kylie replied.

"Oh, that's cool. But the question is, how will she start the Apocalypse?" Garrett asked.

"It's really kinda obvious, y'know, she sucks up the life force of enough people, she gets really powerful, she starts another Ice Age, it gets really cold, she makes it even colder, boom, the end of the world as we know it," Eduardo said, matter-of-factly.

"That is correct Eduardo, and if we don't stop her, a lot more people will end up like Roland here," Egon said, gesturing to Roland's still frozen body.

"Yeah, we know that, but the question now is, how the heck will we stop her? We don't even know where she is, what her next move is, or what she looks like," Garrett said.

"It won't be very easy to find her. She can take on human form and, even though she's very powerful, according to your PKE readings she's only a class four," Egon said.

"Great, that'll make our job a LOT easier," Eduardo said sarcastically.

Then, the alarm bell rang. "Alright! Let's go kick some ghost butt!" Garrett picked up his proton pack that he had dropped on the couch in the den and wheeled towards the elevator.

Eduardo and Kylie ran downstairs and took their guns.

"I'll drive!" Garrett yelled.

"Touch that wheel and die!" Kylie said, pointing her gun at him.

"Alright, alright, I was just kidding." Garrett moved away from the front seat and rolled up the ramp to the back of the car.

"Does this mean I can drive?" Eduardo asked, hopefully. Garrett snorted. Eduardo ignored him.

"Not while I'm still breathing, and besides, you flunked your driving test, remember? You don't have a license yet," Kylie reminded him.

Eduardo sighed and went to the back of the car and sat beside Garrett.

"I know how you feel," Garrett whispered.

"You don't know how to drive at all, and even if you did, you would need hand controls for accellerating and braking, and the ECTO 1 doesn't have any, so there!" Eduardo whispered back.

"Will you two PLEASE shut up?!" Kylie snapped. Both males fell silent for the rest of the trip.


Sam heard screams from the apartment next door and went to check it out. She opened the door a crack and a numbing cold hit her, she shivered and tried to tighten the thin T-shirt she was wearing. Sam almost decided to turn around, but curiosity got the best of her. She untied the jacket from around her waist, put it on and opened the door wider. She gasped, this place looked like the cryogenics lab of a mad scientist!

Her best friend Rock, her brothers, her parents and her older brother's girlfriend Mia and her younger sister, and Sam's and Rock's best friend Bernie were all sprawled on the living room floor, blue and stiff. There was broken glass everywhere and the couch was ripped, the telephone was unhooked and the phone book open. *I've got to tell somebody!* she thought frantically and spun around. She shrieked. A strange man was standing in front of her, with the same look of shock on his face.

"Eduardo! What the heck happened here? It looks like World War Three with freezer rays!" another guy, in a wheelchair, yelled in shock.

"Do you know what happened here?" a girl, about the age of the two guys, but about Sam's height, demanded.

"I dunno, I just got here," Sam said.

"Coldara," the first guy said, with a heavy Spanish accent.

"Say what?" Sam demanded.

"Of course! It's got to be her! The residuals are exactly the same as the ones in the alley, and the people here are frozen, just like Roland!" the girl exclaimed, holding up a thing that looked like a gameboy on a stick.

"Hello? Has anybody noticed that my best friends and their families are now human ice cubes, I have no idea what's going on and that I am REALLY starting to get scared because I'm standing in the doorway of an apartment that has apparently been ransacked and invaded by ice monsters from Jupiter or Pluto or something and are probably taking over the bodies of the people I'm talking about right now?!" Sam shouted.

"That's really imaginative, but the thing that froze your friends isn't an alien, although I wish it was an alien because ghosts can get kinda boring sometimes," the guy in the wheelchair said.

"Are you saying that whatever froze Rock and Bernie is a GHOST?" Sam demanded.

"Coldara to be exact, she sucks the life force out of humans in order to gain the strength to bring about the second Ice Age," The girl said.

"You guys're insane," Sam said, walking into the apartment adjacent to Rock's place. *A ghost, HAH! Yeah right. But still...* Sam thought as she sat down on her bed to think.

Eduardo shrugged. "Can't convince everyone," he said, nonchalantly.

"We'd better hurry, Coldara's getting stronger by the second, she might victimize more people," Kylie said.

Suddenly, they heard a scream from the apartment that the girl went into.

"I think that's our cue," Garrett said, breaking down the door to the apartment.

"Y'know, you could always turn the knob and push, it's a lot easier." Eduardo stepped over the door on the floor.

"NOOO! GET AWAY FROM M-aghk!" came the horrified cry from the second door to the left.

"Over there!" Eduardo shouted, pointing to the closed door.

"Stand back!" Garrett said.

"Not again!" Eduardo said.

"I like breaking down doors, so sue me!" Garrett shrugged.

"Sigh!" Kylie and Eduardo shook their heads.


Coldara looked up from her meal. She retracted her long, needle-like tongue and grinned evilly.

"Ah, fresh meat," She said, dropping Sam's frozen lifeless body and standing up to her full height of approximately ten feet.

"Is it cold in here, or is it just me?" Kylie joked, charging up her proton gun. The gentle hum of two other guns charging up ensured her that she would have backup. She aimed the gun at the evil entity standing before her.

Coldara lunged at them. Garrett and Eduardo leapt aside, but Kylie wasn't as lucky, she was knocked over and lay sprawling on the floor.

Coldara threw the ghost trap and the proton gun across the room and slowly inserted her tongue into Kylie's neck. Just as she was about to suck out the Ghostbuster's lifeforce, she roared in pain as multicolored proton streams hit her.

"Throw the trap!" Eduardo shouted over the sound of the proton guns.

"I can't reach it!" Kylie shouted back, trying to grab the trap.

"Your puny toys cannot hold me!" Coldara roared and somehow, escaped the powerful hold of the proton streams and disappeared into a black vortex.

"Crud! She got away," Garrett exclaimed.

"Are you okay?" Eduardo asked Kylie as she struggled to sit up.

"I don't know, my legs're numb, I don't think I can move them," She answered.

"I guess that makes the two of us," Garrett said flatly.

Kylie dragged herself a little to get to her gun and the trap. "So, what're we s'posed to do? I doubt that you have a spare wheelchair," she said to Garrett.

Then, Eduardo picked her up. She shrieked in surprise and giggled girlishly as she wrapped her hands around his neck to steady herself.

"Man, compared to Garrett, you're light as a feather," Eduardo said, cradling her gently.

He looked into her deep, green eyes and she looked into his soft brown ones. For a moment, their faces got closer and closer as they stared into each other's eyes, locked in the spell of their true love.

Then, they noticed that they were actually making eye contact. Kylie blinked and shook her head.

"Um, I think we'd better get going now," she said, holding Eduardo tighter.

"Uh, yeah. Come on, Garrett," he said, feeling a bit uneasy.

He carried her downstairs and put her in the front seat of the ECTO 1.

"I finally get to drive!" he said, sliding into the driver's seat next to Kylie.

"Well, I guess this time, you got lucky," Garrett said, leaning back and crossing his arms.

"Be careful, you don't want to end up like the two of us, and I'm pretty sure you don't want to die, either," Kylie teased.

"Hey, I don't drive THAT bad, and besides, the car was possessed!" Eduardo reasoned.

"No, it wasn't," Kylie kept needling him.

"Yes it was!" Eduardo insisted, defensively.

"No it was-n't," she sang, just to annoy him.

"Yes it was!" he declared firmly.



In the back seat, Garrett watched the exchange like a tennis match. The spark between the two he had noticed the second day of class with them was still evident.


"How dare they? How DARE they?!" Coldara shouted in rage, smashing an ice pillar. "Those puny humans dare defy ME?! Coldara, The Queen of the Ice Demons?! Well, they shall all DIE!!!!" she shouted and laughed a low, deep, maniacal, almost animalistic laugh. "They shall DIE! DIE! DIE!"


"Can you feel that?" Eduardo asked, pinching Kylie's lower leg.

"OW! Hey, hands off!" She flinched and swatted his hand.

"I take that as a yes," Garrett said.

"Okay, now try standing up," Egon suggested. Kylie got off the observation table and clutched Eduardo's arm to steady herself.

"I still feel a bit shaky," she said.

"Don't worry, that will pass," Egon assured her.

Kylie experimented with her stiff limbs for a little while until Janine came in.

The bored expression on her face said: "I'm getting REALLY sick of this!"

"Guys, we've got another call, or should I say, a lot of calls. Here are the addresses," she said, handing Eduardo at least fifty pieces of paper.

"Oh man! Where do we start?" he complained.

"In P.S. 53, that's where I got the last call," Janine said expressionlessly.

"Oh no! All those kids!" Kylie said.

"Um, hello? It's summer? Nobody's in school today?" Garrett reminded her, raising his eyebrow.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot." She grinned sheepishly.

"Sometimes I wonder if the cold entered your brain gave you frostbite." Garrett rolled his eyes.

"But if nobody's in school, why would she go there?" Kylie reasoned, ignoring his snide remark.

"There's this midsummer middle school dance coming up," Eduardo suggested.

"How did you know about that?" Garrett demanded.

"I heard some kids in the park talkin' about it," Eduardo said, picking up his proton pack and heading for the stairs. Kylie followed Garrett to the elevator, walking stiffly.

***P.S. 53 gym***

"This is a pretty picture," Garrett said through chattering teeth, looking around.

Frigid bodies were scattered everywhere, paper cups and plates flew aimlessly in a cold breeze, frozen blood and spilled orange soda covered the polished wooden floor, and a piece of broken wood was lodged into the neck of a young man, probably the chaperone.

Eduardo shivered and pulled the thick fleece jacket Kylie had brought for him tighter around his body.

Kylie looked at her PKE meter, and tried to hold it steady against her shaking hand. "The readings are really strong, she's still here, and she's a LOT more powerful."

"So you came," a deep, cold, sinister voice said, "Now, you shall witness the coming of the second Age of Ice."

Suddenly, A gust of frigid wind hit the three teenagers and Coldara appeared, now almost twice the size she was last time, surrounded by strange looking ice creatures holding sharp, gleaming spears of ice.

"Yippee," Eduardo said blandly, aiming his proton gun at them.

"On three," Kylie whispered so that she would not be heard by Coldara.

"I hear ya," Garrett whispered back.

"THREE!" all of them shouted in unison, and proton beams shot out from their guns.

Coldara and her minions dodged the proton streams easily and flew past them, disappearing in a whirl of wind and snow, evil laughter echoed in the gym, sending chills up the Ghostbusters' spines.

"Come on! We can't lose her!" Kylie ran out the back entrance of the gym and quickly climbed into the ECTO 1. The two others followed. When Garrett shut the back door, she slammed on the accelerator and followed the ghosts.


Minutes later, they came to Central Park, where Coldara stopped and turned around. The three Ghostbusters halted and climbed out of the car.

Coldara raised her arms and chanted in a strange language:

Sharra cirra nodar

Alsa ginaw humek rutang

Zolem farosina yeriv

Besapae logtu rishka alamnat xerto

Jentokli li safre wayun

Qwe qwe haduma vriklo nu

Sha moros u dae kilaamer


Suddenly, the almost visible July heat cooled until the people nearby collapsed on the ground, shivering and in various stages of hypothermia, except for Eduardo, Garrett and Kylie who were thickly bundled up. Gusts of freezing wind bit at their fingers clutching their proton guns, threatening to freeze them right off.

"Get them!" Coldara commanded, pointing at them. Immediately, her minions flew at them, attacking them at all sides.

An ice spear cut a deep gash on Garrett's cheek. A thin stream of blood flowed down his face and froze. He growled and shot the ice demon squarely in the chest. It writhed in agony and melted from the heat of the proton stream.

"Hey, guys! They melt!" he said, surprised.

"We know that, man!" Eduardo said, shooting two other ice demons.

After they had shot all of the ugly little creatures, they looked at Coldara, smug smirks on their faces.

She screamed in rage and flew towards them.

"THREE!!!" Kylie yelled frantically. Multicolored proton beams hit Coldara, neutralizing her.

Kylie threw the trap and the entity got sucked in.

"This ghost, is toast!" Eduardo said, picking up the smoking ghost trap, a huge grin on his face.

Then the oppressive heat returned, and once again, it was sweltering hot.

"C'mon, let's go," Garrett said, taking off his jacket.
"I second the motion," Kylie agreed. Taking off her jacket, she headed to the car.


Roland opened his eyes. "What happened?" he groaned, sitting up.

He shivered. Kylie handed him a blanket and a hot water bottle.

"Thank-yACHOO!" He sneezed.

"Gazundheit," Egon said.

"Gan adybody gibe be a Gleedex?" He asked, sniffling.

Автор:  Pumpkin [ 29-06, 00:01 ]
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:blink: :blink: :blink:
как много... :blink:

Автор:  Dashok) [ 29-06, 00:04 ]
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